When uploading content the automated approval process categorizes your content in the following order from the information supplied in the config file:
  1. Class
    Example: category-class AD
  2. Kind
    Example: kind engine
  3. KUID Range
    Example: kuid <KUID:1234:5678>

For Example: If it is unable to determine the category by the Class then it checks the kind, then the KUID Range.

Download Station - Kind Table
(Category associations for Download Station purpose Only)
kind Icon Category
(Download Station)
bogey Bogey Bogey
interlocking-tower Building - Structure Buildings / Structures
html-asset HTML-Asset HTML-Asset
map Layout Layouts
profile Layout Layouts
steam-engine Locomotive Locomotives
mesh Mesh Mesh
buildable Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
paintshed-skin Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
effect-layer-preset Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
engine Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
drivercommand Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
mesh-reducing-track Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
region Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
enginesound Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
servlet Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
interior Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
library Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
controlset Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
texture-group Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
paintshed-template Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
achievement-category Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
drivercharacter Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
scrapbook-page Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
behaviour Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
groundbrush Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
hornsound Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
industry Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
consist Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
pantograph Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
achievement-group Miscellaneous Miscellaneous
product Product Product
product-category Product Product
track-road Road Road
traincar RollingStock Rolling Stock
activity Scenario Scenarios
environment Terrain Feature Terrain Features
water Terrain Feature Terrain Features
scenery Terrain Feature Terrain Features
groundtexture Texture Textures (Environmental)
texture Textures Non-Environmental Textures (Non-Environmental)
bridge-tunnel Track Track
track Track Track
bridge Track Track
track-rails Track Track
tunnel Track Track
mocrossing Track Track
bridge-bridge Track Track
bridge-double track Track Track
chunky-track Track Track
double-track Track Track
moturntable Track Track
fixedtrack Track Track
turntable Track Track
mospeedboard Trackside Accessory Trackside Accessories
mojunction Trackside Accessory Trackside Accessories
mosignal Trackside Accessory Trackside Accessories
scenery-trackside Trackside Accessory Trackside Accessories