
Photo by Steve Jones © copyright   Steve Jones' Railway Photographs


The United Kingdom's first container trains ran between London and Glasgow un the mid 1960s. Freightliner Ltd, although a member of the British Railways board, is a seperate entity, British Rail having traditionally been contracted for haulage.

Originally intended to rationalise wagonload freight in the domestic marketplace, changes in road transport legislation, and also in maritime trade, have resulted in the use of the Freightliner concept primarily for water-going traffic.

The Freightliner vehicles are 60ft long and are semi-permanently coupled into rakes of 5 cars, though these fornations are not always strictly adhered to. The small wheel diameter of 2'8" gives them a profile low enough to carry containers of 8'6" height through the restrictive loading gauge of the British System.

The containers are 20ft, 30ft, or 40ft in length, meaning that different combinations of them can be transported on the 60ft vehicles. Maximum train length is 30 wagons. Today Freightliner operates a large fleet of locomotives on 70 services a day from the ports it serves at Southampton, Tilbury, Thamesport and Seaforth, to inland facilities throughout Britain.


Freightliner Wagons & Containers - Wagons on the Web

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