DES Pullman 4 window Bi-Level Coach Metra (2019)
Type: Rolling Stock
Downloaded:  1600
File Size: 9.46 MB
File Type: .cdp
Created by: jjeff1955
Date: 31st January 2022
Version: TS12
KUID2: <KUID2:95230:119375:1>

Pullman 4-Window Bi-Level Coach Chicago Metra.

Provided with ARN.
Revision:2 Added Cabin Muffle, Completely Reworked the Texture Files to look Good at Night,
adjusted the .im file for Night View, not to go completely dark at Night, added Night Interior.
Textures may not be Compatable with TANE.

DISCLAIMER: It must be noted that this asset MAY or MAY NOT be prototypical. The author may have taken liberties in its creation such as re-coloring, moving, lengthening, shortening, re-designing, resizing, adding or deleting certain parts of the object, adding non-prototypical logos, etc, therefore there is no guarantee that the asset represents any known item.

Thank You to David Snow for the Beautiful Art Work on these assets.
Permission Allowed to Re-Skin and upload to the DLS.
Original Creator David Snow