TPTC alco MLW RSC-18u #343
Type: Locomotives
Downloaded:  1550
File Size: 2.25 MB
File Type: .cdp
Created by: btvfd
Date: 2nd March 2020
Version: TS12
KUID2: <KUID2:359354:105042:1>

TPTC alco MLW RSC-18u #343

The MLW RS-18 was an 1,800 hp (1,340 kW) diesel-electric locomotive built by Montreal Locomotive Works between December 1956 and August 1968. It replaced the RS-10 in MLW's catalogue and production totalled 351 locomotives to eight customers. The Canadian Pacific rebuilt their RS-18s with low noses and ditch lights. Conversion done by N8PHU, reskin kit, smoke, beacon/class light scripts by Felix_G. Public reskins of this model are allowed, DLS or TPR are pre approved. Site hosting, please ask.

This model is reskinned and released by BTVFD with express permission by N8PHU, many thanks!
Six axle conversion by BTVFD