BR Class 40 D306 green
Type: Locomotives
Downloaded:  7833
File Size: 791.03 kb
File Type: .cdp
Created by: tmz06003
Date: 7th September 2008
Version: Trainz Service Pack 3
KUID: <KUID:283805:40306>

***SPECIAL LICENSE PROVISIONS APPLY***. This license supercedes any other license previously agreed by tmz06003 and relates specifically to this asset. This asset is only to be available on the Auran DLS and is not to be hosted at any other location. Original work by Stephen Dark and Tony Meredith reskinned by tmz06003 with permission. Phototextures originally by UK901Y modified by tmz06003.

Contributors (Dependencies):
  • sdark
  • Trainz001
  • rwaceyw